1/8/2025 0 Comments Dive In and Delegate![]() We get it. Asking for help is not easy. But – neither is doing it all yourself. I sound like a business owner, don’t I? Hey – I am going to tell it like it is. Always have. Always will. Here is a fact. Hiring a consultant can provide numerous benefits, especially in areas where specialized expertise or an outside perspective is needed. They are skilled at industry best practices, trends, tools, and can bring your business forward. With their knowledge and data-driven insights, consultants can help you make informed decisions that align with your business goals. If your company is undergoing a major shift like a relocation, rebrand or the introduction of a new product, consultants can manage the transition by creating a plan of action, training, communication plans and strategy, as well as support for your team. Here are some great reasons to consider why hiring a consultant makes sense. 1. Specialized Expertise - A consultant brings in-depth knowledge, and a skill set in specific areas. In the case of MRpr, this skill set revolves around all things related to brand, marketing and advertising – both traditional and digital formats. A consultant can help with niche problems or projects an in-house team might not have expertise handling. Having an expert look at the situation is always good and can provide an objective perspective of your company's challenges and opportunities. Similarly advantageous is that a consultant can identify blind spots and recommend changes without the influence of internal politics or preconceived notions. FRESH EYES for sure! 2. Hiring a consultant is cost-effective - Hiring a consultant for a specific project or length of time can be more cost-effective than maintaining full-time staff for the same expertise. Even if on retainer, consultants can reduce the expense of hiring a full timer. Saving money is good for your bottom-line. 3. Problem-Solving and Time Saving Efficiency - Consultants bring experience and a specific skill to the table. Often, they have experience with similar problems in other organizations and can implement proven solutions quickly. They can streamline processes, and help a company reach its goals in a timely manner. They – and, I mean we - know what to do and how to do it. You want this. Consultants focus exclusively on the project or problem, speeding up implementation and freeing your internal team to focus on core responsibilities. Because a consultant comes with a BEEN THERE DONE THAT skill set, they can see potential problems and risks. A consultant may already have methods to address risks. This puts your goals first – as they should be. I could go on and on with reasons why hiring a consultant makes sense. But – I won’t. If you take anything away from this BLOG, it is that as business owners, we do not have to wear all the hats. If we delegate as needed, everyone wins and the moving parts of your company can grow and thrive. Would you like to know more? Email me at [email protected].
![]() Understanding how a company wants to be perceived is imperative to effective branding. And, if a company wants to develop and support its brand, it is vital that the messaging be loud and clear across all appropriate marketing and advertising channels. This is what we mean by frequency and consistency. Yes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Right? Right! At MRpr. we believe that the frequency of delivery and consistency of messaging leads to top of mind recognition. They are pivotal to brand recognition. Here is what we mean - When a potential client tells us they post once a week on Facebook, Instagram or X, we cringe inside. Once a week is not enough to gain attention or traction in the social media world. When they say they do not have an email marketing strategy because they themselves hate receiving emails, we become quiet and just listen. An customer driven email marketing strategy - part of a CRM program - is an opportunity to reach customers who already know your business. Because the list allows recipients to opt out, it is self-qualifying. In addition, a well thought out email marketing strategy offers retargeting opportunities and takes customers deeper into your sales funnel. Couple this with an email marketing POA that targets new customers and you enter a new level of LEADS. When a client mentions his secretary created the company website but they haven't looked at it in years, I take a deep breath. Here is the truth - Google likes a lot of content and a lot of new content added regularly - ALL THE TIME - yup - screaming this! When the client tells us that business is down, he sighs. We get it. You see, the benefits of a comprehensive marketing strategy are undeniable. We recommend that one be thoughtful in developing goals, be purposeful with a strategy, and commits to follow through. We recommend calling MRpr. You can email the boss lady at [email protected]. 12/19/2024 0 Comments Working It 24-7!![]() If implemented strategically, social media, email marketing, and strong content offer the potential to drive traffic to your website. generate leads, and support your brand. These tools help engage with customers and potential customers by starting a conversation with those who like or follow your brand. These tools offer an opportunity to tell your unique story. They provide a forum for discussion, and the ability to inform and educate your customers. The marketing mechanisms available within some of these digital platforms are superior. With social media's direct messaging feature. customers can privately ask questions about your products and services. Social media allows ads and boosting your message. There is the ability to promote your business locally and access new customers by creating look-a-like audiences. Email marketing provides the opportunity to support brand and drive traffic to your website. It can support a promotion or special offer. It is ideal for cultivating warm LEADS and retargeting. YES - The marketing dork in me will tell you that even though I have just scratched the surface, this is spectacular. But none of these matters if you are not going to work the social and email platforms to your advantage. This means you must have an effective strategy that connects the dots. Engaging with your community and giving them what they want is the key. Frequency and consistency of messaging matter. Without this commitment, it's like running an ad without a phone number or logo. You know how that would work. Want to know more? Reach out to us on Facebook or Instagram. You can also email Mary directly at [email protected].
11/20/2024 0 Comments Starting From Scratch![]() Understanding your company’s image and how it’s perceived is imperative for effective brand marketing. To develop and sustain a strong brand, messaging must be consistent and clear across all marketing and advertising channels that make sense for your target audience. When we meet with cleints, we discuss the WHO, WHAT, WHERE and WHY of their business. Want to know why they do what they do. We discuss goals and why they wanted to meet with an outside brand marketing team. Why do we ask all of these questions - and, more? Essentially, we start from scratch - thus the title of this bit. If we put ourselves in our clieint's shoes, we have an opportunity to fully understand his purpose. The more we know, the more we can make a difference. Want to know more? Reach out to MRpr on Facebook or Instagram. You can also email the boss lady herself at [email protected]. 10/23/2024 0 Comments The Shoemaker's Kids![]() The Shoemaker's Kids - we all know the story about the Shoemaker who works 24/7 crafting shoes for everyone else's children in his village. Yes - his children are barefoot most of the time. They go without their father's attention until the elves step in to save the day. If you are a business owner, you know what I mean - it is hard to wear the many hats required for your day to day obligations. The list of a business owner's responsibilities goes on and on and includes but is not limited to the following: inventory, management, receivables, shipping, payroll, and vendors. - As such, the marketing for your business might not get the attention it deserves. As a matter of fact, your marketing might not get any attention at all. The good news is that there is another way. Just consider those of us at MRpr little elves. Reach out to MRpr with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your marketing strategy, and how to move your profits forward. You can email the boss at [email protected]. 9/18/2024 0 Comments Maxed Out!![]() We have all been there. You know what I mean. We have all been to our breaking point. Some of us have rallied and met the challenge in a number of ways. Some of us have had to step back to analyze and regroup. No matter how this is resolved, one thing is for sure - realizing one's limitations takes courage. Say it again - Realizing one's limitations takes courage! Delegating is not easy. It is a skill that is learned and requires practice. That said, reaching out when you need help to achieve a goal is a smart decision. Your expertise might be in widgets and not managing your brand and messaging with a website, digital marketing, social media, content writing, and/or email marketing. You might be well versed in management, but not in meeting your customers where they live. Working with a creative group brings fresh eyes and perspective to your front door. This is a good thing. Yes - you will have to be involved. Yes, you will have to look at budgets and reports. But, by working with another company whose expertise is branding, marketing, and advertising, you can focus on the day to day of running your business. You can rest easy knowing that your marketing and advertising campaigns have been thoughtfully developed, approved and are running smoothly. You can depend on the fact that your brand is being fully supported at every turn. You can count on a plan of action that provides results. And, isn't this what keeps your business moving forward? Well – the answer is YES! If you have questions, reach out to Mary at [email protected]. 8/21/2024 1 Comment Change Is Never Easy![]() In today's digital world, businesses and brands are taking advantage of the numerous platforms that can help them reach their customers. This is a good thing as the opportuities seem endless. But - let's put the brakes on for a second. Change happens every minute of every day. It affect brands and your company’s overall marketing plan. So, how might your business adjust you ask? Short of being on your toes 24/7 to figure it all out….. it is best to roll with the punches. Here is one suggestion on how to keep up. We are not suggesting that you ditch social media at all. Today - playing in the sandbox with social is imperative. We do suggest making certain your brand's marketing is a diverse as you are. Spread your energy over resources that you can control - your website, blogs, SEO, keywording, and email marketing to name a few. Want to talk about this more? Reach out to MRpr. Email mary@maryraupr.com. ![]() Is print dead? Newspapers? Magazines? Books? Have we trained generations to respond and engage solely with pretty pictures, snippets of information filtered by hashtags? After all, our middle school aged son has not one textbook while our high school daughter has just 2. One could ague that reading everything online is “green” and is the wave of the future. But are books, newspapers and magazine passé? I don’t think so. As a matter of fact, many publications and publishers are seeing an increase in readership. Maybe I am just old-school. I do believe all media outlets have value. YUP! Old School! Guilty as charged. Do not get me wrong. I can appreciate a good APP and definitely find value in brand driven content, SEO, keywords and so on. After all, I make a living creating and implementing marketing strategies. My work in marketing reminds me of one very basic fact every day. Through the years, the principles of marketing have not changed – just the vehicles have. Don Draper would be so proud. As a culture, technology has conditioned us to seek information electronically 24/7. And roughly 75% of the time, this information is viewed in the palm of one’s hand. Adweek calls this the “catch-as-catch-can” approach to absorbing the world via any screen visible: smart phones, TV’s, computers – you get the drift. Because I am a marketing junkie (Who knew I was such a geek? ), I can appreciate this. I find changes to our culture fascinating. Applying this idea to marketing and sdvertising is simple. Marketing is all about getting your product or services in front of the right consumer. Advertising works to entice the consumer into taking action. Technology has provided marketers with access to incredible information. Information is power! Every time you LIKE, SHARE, LINK, SAVE, COPY, SHOP or BUY, you are providing information about your interests and habits to marketers for interpretation through analytics. Think about it. The ads that appear in your feed or email are directed to you on purpose. These ads are defined by your age, occupation, lifestyle, and anything else you divulge as you engage in cyberspace. To younger generations, having everyone know your story is commonplace. The young feel everything is up for grabs and there is no need for privacy settings or boundaries. The over 50 set feels quite the opposite. If you are in business today, a digital presence is imperative. But social media cannot do the job alone. Remember – the basics of marketing have not changed but the delivery systems have. Consumers still want great information that is relevant and important to them. But this gets tricky as not every platform is right for every business. Print, TV, radio, digital online platforms will have different target audiences. Pick and choose the platform wisely. Creating a comprehensive, well thought our plan of action that supports your company’s mission is the goal. What is your business doing to enhance its digital footprint and personality? How will your business reach customers effectively? Our team offers marketing services to small business. For more information, email us directly at mary@maryraupr.com. 1/17/2024 0 Comments Out with the OLD! In with the NEW!![]() Every year at this time, I get excited at the prospect of a fresh start. Out with the old and in with the new. Oh what the future holds! But with the prospect of great possibilities in the new year, arrives reflection and contemplation on events past. What will the new year bring? How will I approach this year differently – or the same? What are my personal and professional goals? Where do I want to improve? What is it that I want or need? Interestingly enough, for some less is more while for others more is more. What? What do I mean and is this true across the board? Simply stated, it very well could be. As a marketing strategist working closely with small businesses, my team and I have found that less is more AND more is more. Let me explain: Less is more – If you own a business today, your marketing strategy should include a social media and internet presence. But, you already knew that because social media is a powerful marketing tool connecting you with your target community. But, not every platform is the right fit for every business. Just like not every news publication targets the same demographic. Your target audience and demographic will point your company to the appropriate social media platform and guide your content for optimum reach and conversion. If that means one or two platforms are used, so be it. Less is more. Work them well and regularly encouraging engagement and activity. You are better off spending time, energy and money on marketing with 1 or 2 platforms than spreading yourself thin across multiple fields. Again, less is more. Now, what about the concept of more is more? If your business model and budget allow, a fully comprehensive marketing strategy integrating a social and internet presence can only benefit your brand. If your team decides that multiple platforms are the best means to round out and solidify your strategy then more is more. But, wait. If you establish a presence on a platform and do not maintain regular activity encouraging engagement with thoughtful content, you are wasting your time, effort and most likely money. All websites and platforms need attention. More is more but you must be willing to commit to linking, posting, sharing, commenting, liking, tweeting, checking in, leaving tips, blogging, etc…….you know the drill. Whatever approach you choose, create a plan of action that is manageable and will enable you to reach goals and see results. So, less is more and more is more. Which is right for your business? MRpr offers all things marketing – consulting, digital marketing, ad strategy, email marketing, social media integration, coaching and management. For free consultation, email [email protected]. 9/19/2019 1 Comment Kicking it "Old School"![]() Do you remember when we were kids? Yup! Way back when you left the house on a summer's morning to hang out with your buddies in the neighborhood - or as I remember it - the alley. Your parents had very little concern for where you were all day. And, if they were "worried," they never let you know it. You showed up back at your house when you were hungry. If dinner was ready and you weren't home, your mom would ring "the bell." At least that is what I remember about Martha Jane. They were hot, summer days and firefly nights. It was trips to the pool combined with a visit from the Good Humor truck. It was the occasional crab feast or barbeque in the backyard with family and friends. It was trips to Cape May for weeks on end of ski ball and visits to Morrow's Nut House. It was long before cell phones and video games and well before social media became an acceptable means of communication. It was before advertising and marketing became supercharged by the information highway. Can you remember back that far? I can. Are there memories that are any sweeter? Now, years later, we are bombarded with information 24/7. We are connected to everyone all the time. There is no escaping. We are all familiar with the "ping" when you receive a text, a Facebook notification, an email or a voice mail. I will be the first one to admit these notices are annoying! That said, technology is not a bad thing - it is just a very different part of childhood and our lives today. As a result, kids miss out on the simple things: climbing trees, building forts, scraping knees or simply holding open a lemonade stand - and all of this without parental supervision. But it is not just the fault of technology. As a culture, we are afraid something bad is going to happen to our families. We have denied generations the space and freedom to grow, to make mistakes and to learn from those mistakes. Being a hovering parent is no one's fault directly - it can be a big bad world out there. We are all designed to protect our loved ones. It is the momma bear theory. But, how do we help our kids "Kick It Old School"? I think this is a great question and is up for discussion. As the parent of two teenagers and the owner of Mary Rau Public Relations specializing in marketing, advertising, public relations and social media, this is a burning question. Where is the balance? What are the limitations? I believe this to be a personal or family decision. Don't misunderstand, technology is a wonderful tool. But it should not be the end all. Parents, it is okay to limit access and moderate exposure. Turn off the TV and the computer. Limit the video games. Having just had the honor of hearing Temple Grandin speak, I agree with her suggestion to engage your kids in new activities. Introduce them to the bigger world - a world outside of their box and yours. Go for a walk, a bike ride, or a picnic. I understand that sometimes this works - sometimes it doesn't. Bottom line - we do the best we can. For the record, I am in favor of the lemonade stand. |
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